IB-FT manufactures the POROLUX™ and POROLIQ™ universal porometers. This porometer range covers all common capillary flow techniques – including gas liquid and liquid liquid porometers – and measurement methods (pressure scan and pressure step stability), offering the best porometer solutions for any given application and reproducible measurements of all pore sizes and distributions from 2 nm up to 500 μm.


Another product line manufactured by IB-FT are the LUXOR metal sputter coaters, a sample preparation technique widely used in SEM and TEM laboratories. LUXOR metal coaters have a number of unique features that set them apart from other coaters in the market:

Unique A² technology
A² Technology ensures the most accurate, thin and uniform sample coating for improved SEM analysis, both for standard SEM work with gold coatings and for high-resolution (FEG) SEM work with platinum coatings

Upside down design
The revolutionary upside-down design safeguards your SEM while also protecting samples and operators

Completely automated
Load your samples, select the coating thickness, and push the start button. As simple as that.


At MemSystems, “Mem” stands for membranes, and our state-of-the-art portfolio of scientific instruments is designed to meet all the needs of your membrane laboratory. From flat sheets to hollow fibers, our solutions enable you to create and prepare more precise and consistent membranes with ease and confidence.
Our current offerings, including the MemCast™ and RotaMem systems, are just the beginning. Stay tuned as we continue to expand our range of cutting-edge tools to support your research and development.

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